
Social Scramble

6 PAX posted at the Scramble on this Gloom. Weather in the low 70s and unfinished business (Bushwacker) would supply the motivation for the PAX to set out at a sprinters pace as we charted our course through Mandeville. Started out with a warmarama Alternating IC 10-15 Good mornings, Toe …

The 41 Club!

With some of the regulars MIA this morning at the Scramble, it was purely coincidental, but all 3 PAX posting in the Gloom had one thing in common-we are all 41 years of age.  And, yes, we all wish we ran as well as the other more noteworthy #41 common …

Chewy Blewy

Waterpik reminded us that Chewy had Q today at gloom-o-clock, but he was yet to be seen. Knowing of his penchant to come rolling up as the scramblers begin to scramble, we gave him an extra couple of minutes before beginning a round robin warm up. Bushwacker – SSH Garfield …

9/11 Preview

Do you remember right after September 11th, 2001 when we all came together to support each other? We still do here in F3 with faith, fellowship, and fitness. It’s pride in all three and strength in shared values that brings  us together at each and every AO. It’s not the …

Some F3 Gratitude

Simply put:  there is a 0.00% chance I would exercise so often and so vigorously without F3.  For that, I am very grateful!  For all of you, I am very grateful! We had a nice turnout in the gloom for today’s Scramble. Our warm up consisted of: SSH x 10 High Knees x …

F3 Thursday, Take 1

There we were, gathered in the 73 degree gloom, preparing for pedo-strata combat like a small band of wearily tremulous skirmishers, ready to embark on Part 1 of, what would be for some, a 2-part F3 kind of day. The insights were keen, though the conversations garrulous as, with the …