
Pulling a RIngo

New F3 term: Pulling a Ringo = a new member of the pax that completes 10 consecutive beatdowns. Welcome aboard Ringo glad to have ya! The thang: Warm up: Mt climbers, merkins, scorpion kicks x 10-20 IC Fwd, retro, and lateral lunges x 8 3.1 mile mosey regular course; pax …

Tabata Tuesday

Grandmas house posted a respectable 7 PAX, including an FNG on this mid 40s Gloom.. Arrived to the sights of Water Pik and Ringo stretching and preparing under the canopy of lights at the Trailhead. Quickly the PAX increased with the arrival of Coconuts and (FNG) POSH spice followed by …

Thanksgiving Week Malaise

Let’s get this holiday week started with a solid post in the Gloom of the Milestone Marsh!  At least that was the plan…. After a brief Warm Up of SSH, Imperial Walkers, High Knees and Butt Kicks, YHC and Garfield made a round trip to the Lakefront and back to get …

Turbo Charged

Many thanks to Turbo Tax for rallying the PAX to post this morning for a soggy beatdown at Grandmas House. YHC was grateful and honored to see some old friends and meet some new ones.  Anyway – to the beatdown – the good Lord brought the rain, but spared us …

This Looks Familiar

Ideal weather conditions for a Saturday morning beatdown at the Lakefront. YHC was looking to repeat the soreness experienced after Turbo’s Cinder Block beatdown the Saturday before.  Pre-thang warmorama 11 x Toe Touches                            16 x Scorpions 12 x Smurf Jacks                            17 x Monkey Humpers 13 x Twist & Pivot                         18 …

Ivan is coming

South Louisiana storms woke YHC at 3:00 a.m. and he worried that the Northshore F3-bros would have to scrub another mission due to the elements, but when I arrived at the AO storms had cleared and we were go for launch. CONDITIONS I don’t have the stats for the weather …