Wally Run
Wally Run

Happy Independence Day!

On July 2, 1776 the Second Continental Congress passed the Lee Resolution declaring our independence from Great Britain and King George! Down with the British! Seeing the immense significance of this declaration of independence, John Adams wrote a letter of prophecy to his wife Abigail predicting future celebrations on the …

Post RRR Wally Run

With RRR finished, what would YHC do at the Wally Run? Run! A brief disclaimer, followed by the regular route where all 3 pax stayed together for a good run with some great F2. Finished 4 miles with 5 minutes to go, so the pax got some good stretches in. …

Me and Jim

Conditions Heavy Rain, 58 F, Feels like 58 F, Humidity 96%, Wind 15 mph from NW The Thang 0515 Me:  Good morning Jim. Cantore:  What are those? I thought we were running. Me:  Kuch calls them my Mandals.  They are a pair of overpriced flip flops with a fatal design …

nuR yllaW

-Rev Sox Thank you for the opportunity to lead and pushing us all to continue, especially on days when we are all tired and sore. 6:15am Count-Off, Name-O-Rama, Intentions, and Prayer 6:10am YHC leads the Pax in a series of stretches and finishes with a round of 23 flutterkicks, so …

Here, We Run!

Since the Wally Run started, we have had a consistent number of individuals show up each week. Today, seven men appeared in the gloom. Rudy and Tool, two first-timers at the Wally Run, appeared with one question, “So, what do we usually do here?” The answer is simple, “Here, we …

3 Turkeys

Three brave souls agreed to show up for the Wally Run Thanksgiving morning. Two of the three showed on time, who will remain nameless to protect Hobbs’s integrity, and set off on the traditional Wally Run route. The third showed up late, but was a man of his word and …

The Three Caballeros

We’re three caballeros Three gay caballeros They say we are birds of a feather We’re happy amigos No matter where Rev goes The one, two, and three goes We’re always together We’re three happy chappies With snappy serapes You can run how you want if You run around Pontiff We’re …

“This isn’t The Stomp!”

YHC arrived early for round two of the Wally Run. This week seven men arrived early to stretch and begin the run. YHC announced we would complete a three-mile loop through the neighborhood and finish with some work on the track. The seven fearless Pax members started off down the …