Run and get ready for Grow Run … sign up now – from Hokie
5 Pax arrived to prep for Sign up now 0
5 Pax arrived to prep for Sign up now 0
Thursday, July 20, 2022, at an AO known as Wally Run. Only two individuals participated The Architect and Hokie. It seems like the rest of the Pax (participants) were absent or took a break due to enjoying some drinks on Wednesday night after the CSAUP (Completely Stupid and Utterly Pointless) …
Attendance was light… was it the tequila??? Mambi ran Kenner Brah & Big Willie Rucked I worked on Knees Over Toes Others slept after what I am sure was a great tequila tasting 0
Started with 3 Runners and 3 Ruckers Ended with 2 Runners and 4 Ruckers and a ton of sweat. 0
Bolt pushed us ruckers to a pace of 16:52. The runners did whatever it is they do, and the kots guys were late (what’s new lol). Cot was about loving our loved ones while we can. +1
Knowing another man was counting on me to keep him accountable kept me accountable and kept me from fart sacking. This is what’s valuable about F3. Two ran, three walked, four rucked, and all were accountable. 0
Six pax assembled in the gloom as many Pontiff regulars punched their passports by venturing to Okwata for the biannual H8. We weren’t hating on the H8; we simply chose not to do it. Instead, 3 ran, 2 rucked, 1 walked. YHC looks forward to the Fall H8 with a …
Yep… runners ran Ruckers rucked … starting late and then finishing late Others explored Knees over toes training 0