Wally Run
The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls – from Charmin
The more things change, the more they stay the same. The Ruckers rucked, the Knoters Knotted, 0
Operation Mystery at The Gloom – from Charmin
The Gloom welcomed the PAX with open arms, a chilly breeze, and the distinct feeling that today’s workout would be anything but ordinary. After the obligatory disclaimer, the PAX divided into their respective groups – the Ruckers, the Runners, and the enigmatic KnOTers. The Thang: 1. Ruckers’ Ruckmageddon: The Ruckers …
Converge–Disperse–Converge – from Bolt
10 pax converged upon the Wally “Run” and dispersed after the disclaimer to cover various distances via running, walking, KnOTing and rucking. The ruckers covered 2.81 miles with one split at 16’00” pace. Hawg dethroned Frac as a Strava “local legend.” +1
More than we started with! – from Charmin
As normal for YHC in an effort to leave no man behind, we started with a pre-beatdown count off with a count of 8. So each of the groups went off, runners went to the outside track, while knotters and Ruckers went backwards on the track. Noticing that the gates …
Turkey Trot Rucksgiving Plus an FNG – from Bolt
6 pax heeded the call to accelerate on Turkey Day with what else? A run/ruck because it’s the Wally Run: runners covered 4.5 miles for a 10’00” pace and the ruckers covered 2.7 miles for 15’02” pace. Teedy OCP and an FNG were DR from AR for Thanksgiving with Hawg. …
Run or Ruck the Wally – from Fracsac
6 pax showed to burn some calories. 5 ran and 1 rucked. Ended with a CoT. SYITG +1
2x2xTriple – from Charmin
Started with two Knotts and two rucks. Ended with the same plus triple. Consistency and opportunity. 0
All Souls Day Beatdown – from Charmin
Vagabond was very insistent that the shorted form of his name is pronounced Vag and not Vag. Since he ran with Fracksack, we named them Vag Frack. Bolt tried to steal the Q but when he said he didn’t want to write the Backblast so YHC is getting credit again. …