
The Foundry 12/23/2020

Issued the Disclaimer Mosey’d to NOMA Warmup: Side straddle hops – 20 in cadence Mountain climbers – 20 in cadence Windmills – 10 in candence Hillbilly’s  – 20 in cadence The Thang: Bunny hop up the NOMA Steps, run down the steps, 7 burpees Bunny hop up the NOMA Steps, …

Playing the hits

After some back and forth as to who would Q The Foundry today, I was summoned by the unwritten F3 by-law that if a Q is unable to attend then I will Q. I think I may need a lawyer for this but Kuch is the one who wrote said …

Armistice 2020

I looked for a good Veteran’s Day themed WOD and found 2 that I liked. I wasn’t sure how long it was going to take to complete (particularly Catfish) so the plan was to have everyone complete WOD #1 and then transition to WOD #2 with the left over time …