
100 is the number!

When Mulligan had to back out of Q’ing, I jumped at the chance to take the Q , especially knowing it was going to be my 100th F3 workout this year.  I arrived early and stealthily unloaded the 6 cinder blocks I have been toting around in the back of …

Presidential Fitness Test

WHISTLE*  Gather up Gentlemen!  My name is Coach Da Parish and I will be your F3 Physical Education Instructor this morning.   I expect everyone to work hard enough to exceed their own expectations while maintaining your own physical health.   Feel free to modify on your own.  WHISTLE*  Mosey with me! …

The Foundry 9/5/18

A nice traditional workout at the Foundry. A few pull-ups, a few laps, nothing special. The usual disclaimer and off we go. Mosey to the track for the warm up COP: SSH x 20 IC Peter Parkers x 20 IC Windmills x 10 IC Arm Circles, 10 forward, 10 backward …

Put Me In Coach

“The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.”  -Vince Lombardi  Another notch was added to The Foundry belt when 10 of F3’s finest gathered in City Park for the weekly hump day workout.  Lots of themed workouts lately with Elvis, Notre Dame, Iron Pax, etc so YHC …