
What Day Is It?

Four men arrived to own the gloom at 5:30am for the Hump Day Edition of Rock City at Pontiff Park. YHC gave the standard disclaimer and led the small Pax of men for a short mosey to the rock to get things started. The Warm-Up SSH – 20 Imperial Walkers …

The Ides of March

YHC joined 5 other men looking for some sanity in this insane situation. What better way to start the week than with a Sunday Morning beat down. With the shovel flag planted and the freedom hammer on full display, time for a disclaimer, and then….. Mosey to the front of …

The Morning After

15 pax showed up in the gloom, possibly still a bit hung over from a few too many brewskies watching the SB or maybe from the ongoing boycott party with the Who Dat’s one call away from making a run into the big game, again!  Regardless with the disclaimer made …