
Welcome Back Smooth, When in Charge Take Charge and Four Lucky Winners Treated to a Loofah Gourd – from Heisenberg

YHC was running late after gathering four large Loofah Gourd’s from my back yard and loading up my vehicle with an 80# sand medicine ball, 60# sandbag and a frisbee. I had agreed to Q at Frac’s suggestion after coffee on Saturday. I didn’t complete the signup until 6:00 am …

Back at it – from Charmin

After completing the 1st Grow Run and GRE-41 over the weekend, YHC was eager to get back out to the gloom. Thankfully, Hokie reached out to Bolt to HC since YHC needed stretching. Started with mirroring the KnOTters by walking backwards away from them. While they did their own thing, …