Two Yutes
Two Yutes

Barefoot Led Bedlam

Warm-up SSH x ??; Plank Jacks x 25; The Frac (Burpee Shock and Awe made famous by Fracsac); Don Quixote x 10; Low Slow Squats x 10; Justifier contemplation x 15; The Thang Mosey to the Rock Pile For A Stack 5 Rock Burpees 5 Rock Burpees; 10 Squats 5 …

Post RRR Wally Run

With RRR finished, what would YHC do at the Wally Run? Run! A brief disclaimer, followed by the regular route where all 3 pax stayed together for a good run with some great F2. Finished 4 miles with 5 minutes to go, so the pax got some good stretches in. …

nuR yllaW

-Rev Sox Thank you for the opportunity to lead and pushing us all to continue, especially on days when we are all tired and sore. 6:15am Count-Off, Name-O-Rama, Intentions, and Prayer 6:10am YHC leads the Pax in a series of stretches and finishes with a round of 23 flutterkicks, so …

The Three Caballeros

We’re three caballeros Three gay caballeros They say we are birds of a feather We’re happy amigos No matter where Rev goes The one, two, and three goes We’re always together We’re three happy chappies With snappy serapes You can run how you want if You run around Pontiff We’re …

My Qs are Impetuous

Conditions:  70 and light rain Our curiosity had us gather near some type of Rock ‘n Roll Series race starting at the Peristyle.  Triple Shift said it started at 6:30. I think he was trying to get a free t-shirt and some post race pastries.  YHC gave a well thought …