Two Yutes
Two Yutes

Uptowner #1 July 13th

Guys there are no doubt several things I need to work on –  procrastination is right at the top! Warm Up: Hall x 15 Micheal Phelps Hill Billy SSH Leg Swing with a partner facing each but left should to right should using partner for balance swing outside leg out and …

Deck of Animal House

July 28th, 1978.  A big date for all of us of a certain vintage. Yes, that’s right.  40 years ago today, Animal House made its debut.  YHC arrived at 6:20 to a moment of confusion.  “Dean Wormer” was there – and it took several minutes for the PAX to realize that …

Backblast – Catfish Saturday VQ (2018-07-14)

Greetings folks, Had a great workout this morning with Mr. Catfish’s Virgin Q. Attendees:  Catfish, Rudy, Mahatma Ice, Da Parish, Reluctant Yankee, Cliff Notes, Tool, Babyface, Triple Shift, Fracsac, King King, Mambi, Woz, Gabrielle, Medulla Oblongata, Bogey, Cooch, Calliope, Jinglevader, Dewey, Pie Gow, Abacus, Moist, Belloq, Whoop, Two Yutes Also …

Back to the Roots

Too many moons ago I did my last Q at the Mothership.  My last Q was based on a book I had read the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  This time I wanted to focus on the roots of F3 a simple straight forward no frills beat-down. Disclaimer Mosey to …

Is this still the Warm Up

For those that are still figuring out the F3 NOLA brotherhood and workout schedule – I strongly recommend you circle a couple of mid week days and make the commitment to yourself to give them a shot.  I’m confident if you do your weekly outlook will change….physically for the better. …

Bridge Over Stagnant Waters

Leading 20+ men on Saturday beat-down is a tall order, so Your Humble Correspondent (YHC) needed to prepare. On the afternoon before the workout, my 9-year-old son and I took I bike ride to City Park to survey any hidden corners typically overlooked during Mothership workouts. Whenever the Pax moseys …