
Dodging balls

The pax met up last Saturday on the lakefront and quickly moseyed to Lamarque st playground. (Almost to quickly as the sun wasn’t quite all the way up yet…so a warm up ensued to let the day break a little more). The pax the divided up into two teams to …

You down with O.P.P.!!!

I know what you late 30, early 40 F3 brethren who use to listen to Naughty by Nature are thinking.. However, let’s keep this PG13 and call it “Other Positive People”, “Old People Power”, “Obvious Pure Perspiration”, or simply makeup your own acronym of sorts and roll with it.. Prethang …

Round Robin at The Gipper

With our designated Q, Maverick, busy with his new 2.0, it was up to the PAX to deliver their own beatdown Wednesday morning at The Gipper. Go time arrived, the assembled veteran PAX disclaimed themselves silently, and then we got down to business. YHC initially took the lead with a …

The Substitute Q

We all remember having a substitute in school, it was almost like a free period… well this is F3 and there are no free periods, especially here on the north shore! With @the-manny being out of comission for the moment he had to call is a substitute Q.. and who …

Changing Directions

Very gloomy Gloom at The Gipper this morning, but that didn’t stop the veteran PAX who took their red pills and showed up ready to make themselves better. In fact, most of the PAX, at least those tuned into this month’s ISI challenge, participated in a little foreplay by putting …

FNG: Out of Work Hair Dresser

As YHC pulled up to the Wednesday rendevieu point for “we south of I-12” a familiar looking vehicle simultaneously pulled in a few spots away.Taking the gamble that I wasn’t about to make a fool of myself, I jumped out pointing and waiving my hands. Sure enough, Steve had returned …

Is that the Salvation Army?

With it being just over two weeks before Christmas, bells could be heard along the lakefront in Mandeville on a cold and dreary Saturday morning. Could it be the salvation army ringing their bells to get donations from the dedicated runners on the Lakefront? No sir, it is a bunch …