Tug Boat
Tug Boat

Time Trials at the Stomp

Since we do all this damn running anyway, we might as well see how we’re doing, right? There is some good research that suggests setting real goals and regularly tracking progress increases our chances for success. So let’s do it. Today: a 5k Of course, there is also the matter …

We have a tire

On the eve of the gloom, the PAX reported that the tires were still safe and “secure” outside of the Chamber of Horrors.   YHC isn’t used to props that aren’t music or costume related, so I was eager to use the tires on this 20th gloom of 2020.   W/U Side-straddle …

First Stomp of 2020

22 men came out in the darkened gloom to kick off 2020 with the 610 Stomp. No better way to start the year than a good run with your 22 best friends. The Thang YHC started with the basic disclaimer and gave the instructions for the morning run. Run out …

Baby, it’s cold outside

To quote the late great Johnny Mercer, ‘baby, it’s cold outside.’ Or at least it was last Wednesday at The Foundry. When we got out of the car, it was 39 degrees with wind gusts of 20+. To get the blood pumping, I issued the disclaimer & then we mosey’d …

The Freaking Exception (?)

After reading the email this morning, it occurred to me that I may have forgotten something important last week. It wasn’t my wife’s birthday, remembered that. Thanksgiving? Who could forget it. Black Friday? My coffee at uptown PJ’s only cost an arm and half a leg in celebration of Black …

Rev Sox’s Birth Story

On a brisk and windy November 11th, at the lake front on the Northshore YHC was birthed into the world of F3 kicking, complaining, and crying. It wasn’t pretty for anyone involved. Hawg may have denied knowing YHC. Two years later, at the 610 Stomp YHC led 20 men in …