Tuesday Tuff
Tuesday Tuff

DAT DAWG – from Paradox

7 dawgs at the stage today on a relatively cool May morning. We had a smooth purebred Pit always ready to roll. A local German shepherd with a huge litter of puppies brought in the coups. A young French bulldog living the summer lyfe and looking for a fight. An …

The Repeater – from Enron

YHC pulled up to the Stage in the foggier than usual gloom at 5:05 only to see Smooth patiently waiting for arriving PAX as he completed his shift. His determination to attend beatdowns after a long 12- hour night work shift is always motivating. Next, Goose and his oldest 2.0, …

The Repeater – from Enron

YHC pulled up to the Stage in the foggier than usual gloom at 5:05 only to see Smooth patiently waiting for arriving PAX as he completed his shift. His determination to attend beatdowns after a long 12- hour night work shift is always motivating. Next, Goose and his oldest 2.0, …