Tube Steak
Tube Steak

Teamwork makes the DREAM WORK!

Your QIC had a really rough week with work and dealing with trolls on Social Media.  It’s crazy how people act so ugly and with such vitriol, when behind a computer screen and it has bled over into face to face encounters.  After witnessing the unraveling of civility in our society …

Campus Tour

Twenty NOLA regulars trickled in as we hit 05:30. The disclaimer was given and we were off. First stop was the terrace at St.  Charles and Calhoun for a quick warmup. 10 Burpees at the bottom, 20 LBC’s at the top and 30 Squats on the side. Rinse and repeat. …

No counting before 6am.

Started with a jog a block uptown down St. Charles and back across the street, and circled up in front of Tulane… and then things went down hill. This was my second time Qing–and my first go at it was a year ago, so I probably should have prepared a …