Triple Shift
Triple Shift

My Qs are Impetuous

Conditions:  70 and light rain Our curiosity had us gather near some type of Rock ‘n Roll Series race starting at the Peristyle.  Triple Shift said it started at 6:30. I think he was trying to get a free t-shirt and some post race pastries.  YHC gave a well thought …

Rev Sox’s Birth Story

On a brisk and windy November 11th, at the lake front on the Northshore YHC was birthed into the world of F3 kicking, complaining, and crying. It wasn’t pretty for anyone involved. Hawg may have denied knowing YHC. Two years later, at the 610 Stomp YHC led 20 men in …

Born in the Shadows

9/16/19 – Mothership Another Saturday morning, another Friday Night decision to choose the gloom over old habits.   A warm and inviting morning of about 40deg met the pax and everyone loved it. Greetings and disclaimer, mosey to the peristyle for warmups. WARMUP Mix of arm circles, grass grabbers, squats, round …

Saturday morning plyo

On the eve of what turned out to be a surprisingly strong tropical depression, YHC was looking at the weather forecast for Saturday morning and decided to change things up and keep the pax under the peristyle in an attempt to stay relatively dry. Waking up YHC was surprised to …