Triple Shift
Triple Shift

What Day Is It?

Four men arrived to own the gloom at 5:30am for the Hump Day Edition of Rock City at Pontiff Park. YHC gave the standard disclaimer and led the small Pax of men for a short mosey to the rock to get things started. The Warm-Up SSH – 20 Imperial Walkers …

Was it you, BooBoo?

It was just like old times as seven PAX gathered to celebrate my F3 Anniversary. As some of you know, my first workout was last February on the coldest day of 2019. Today, we were greeted by 41 degree (and dropping) temperatures, but fortunately for us it was also wet …

The Wis

Conditions Overcast, 63 F, Feels like 63 F, Humidity 90%, Wind 8 mph from the South The Thang 27 Pax tried a new route today, crossed the Cabrini Bridge and then went over and back on the Wisner overpass.  We ended up on the back side of the track and …

Its 40, not 400

A few weeks ago, YHC saw a backblast referencing a “traditional Okwata workout” that involved the levee and some exercises. As the children’s game of telephone illustrates, as word gets passed from one PAX to another, sometimes the message gets tweaked as it gets passed along. And looking at the …

1 Year Anniversary

My how time flies. I have been getting up to workout at 5:30 3-4 times a week for 1 whole year. It was a major lifestyle change and I could not be more appreciative for my boy YaMomAnEm getting me out here and off my lazy butt. 16 men joined …