
Superfecta at The Uptowner

YHC committed to Q four days in a row this week, and the fourth day, or the Superfecta as we’ll call it, had me up earlier than usual. 45 minutes before the alarm sounded kind of earlier. One would think that would indicate an early arrival at the AO, but …

Rock City Trifecta

Solid showing on Monday at Pontiff, despite the rain.  Eight men braved the iffy forecast to get the usual fix of F3 at Rock City.  The scheduled Q was out with the flu (or maybe Saints game hangover???) so a few of us stepped in to sub.  Here’s what went …

FUBAR at the Foundry

YHC arrived at the Foundry to find other Pax ready to roll. The gloom was especially gloomy this day as the weather wasn’t sure what it wanted to do. The fog and the high humidity were dead giveaways that the weather was a changing. YHC wasn’t really sure what to …

Jackson Day Race CSAUP

The GLOOM was glorious in beautiful downtown Arabi.  7 Brave PAX traveled near and far to a new race route for the 111th Jackson Day 9K race.  This new route involved historic Arabi, comfy asphalt road as racers traveled from Arabi to Chalmette, and then a lap around the Chalmette Battlefield, …

Rock ‘n’ Run

The Pax showed up in good spirits on this beautiful Monday. Amnesty remarked what a cool August morning this was, with only a tepid 70% humidity. However, there was a bit of a stank in the air, “similar to the gutters of Hong Kong.” Ask JV about that one, apparently he …