
Trying to Gas Mahatma

A small PAX with a wonderful FNG, Tool’s son Brady the Speed Racer. Here’s an approximation of what YHC remembers. COP1 by the Flag: • 31 SSHs, 5 burpees • 30 Imperial Walkers, 5 burpees • 29 Squats, 5 burpees • 28 V-Ups, 5 burpees • 27 Merkins, 5 burpees …

Man Card Renewal at The Stomp

When you wake up, think about winning the day.  -Drew Brees This week’s Stomp was attended by 6 PAX who braved the cold, wind, and misting rain to validate their man card whilst getting their Tuesday fix of running and the like.  On the heels of the Saints’ Monday night …

Here, We Run!

Since the Wally Run started, we have had a consistent number of individuals show up each week. Today, seven men appeared in the gloom. Rudy and Tool, two first-timers at the Wally Run, appeared with one question, “So, what do we usually do here?” The answer is simple, “Here, we …

Rinse and Repeat at the Foundry

Made the standard introduction and disclaimer. Mosey to “second set” of trees.  Circled-up to Warm-up which consisted of:  Monkey humpersGrass grabbers arm circles  Self love Imperial  walkers Moseyed to first tree of the “second set” and lined up tree to tree.  Bear crawled to each tree of the “second set” – performed 5 …

Mountain Music

Conditions: 47 degrees, dry and WINDY First Sub 50 degrees post for this Q who came prepared.  Mosey to open green space for warmup  SSH x 20 IC Arm circles x 15 (front and back) Windmill x 15 Hillbillies x 15 Grass grabbers x 15 Jog to fountain mountain for …

The Freaking Exception (?)

After reading the email this morning, it occurred to me that I may have forgotten something important last week. It wasn’t my wife’s birthday, remembered that. Thanksgiving? Who could forget it. Black Friday? My coffee at uptown PJ’s only cost an arm and half a leg in celebration of Black …

Swingers Style Football

“The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.” –Vince Lombardi Cool and crisp morning a few Saturdays ago at The Muscleship, perfect conditions for a beatdown.  Six men posted, ready to get better.  T-claps to SOGO for getting in a pre-run w/weighted vest beforehand…#beast!  Lots of good football …

Rev Sox’s Birth Story

On a brisk and windy November 11th, at the lake front on the Northshore YHC was birthed into the world of F3 kicking, complaining, and crying. It wasn’t pretty for anyone involved. Hawg may have denied knowing YHC. Two years later, at the 610 Stomp YHC led 20 men in …