
Crazy 8s

Conditions Mostly cloudy, 65 F, Feels like 66 F, Humidity 93%, Wind 8 MPH from ESE. Warm-up Imperial Walkers x 31; Shoulder Taps x 31; Arm Circles: Forward x 16, Backerds x 15; Windmills x 10 The Thang Grab your favorite rock and circle up for the duration.  Crazy 8s …

First Stomp of 2020

22 men came out in the darkened gloom to kick off 2020 with the 610 Stomp. No better way to start the year than a good run with your 22 best friends. The Thang YHC started with the basic disclaimer and gave the instructions for the morning run. Run out …

High Rise’s and Kuch’s F3 NOLA Chamber of Horrors War Eagle Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Beatdown Throwdown For The Cure

Late last week Kuch and I were contacted by Gideon asking for us to step in as Q’s for the initial beatdown throwdown at the newest AO The Chamber of Horrors. Our AO originators Gideon and Tool would be unavailable to Q so, as usual, Kuch and I stepped up. …

Reindeer Games

You know Charmin and Hokie and Tool and Sogo Heisenberg and Mop and Rev Sox and Belloq But do you recall The most famous reindeer of all? Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Had a very shiny nose And if you ever saw it You would even say it glows All of …

Baby, it’s cold outside

To quote the late great Johnny Mercer, ‘baby, it’s cold outside.’ Or at least it was last Wednesday at The Foundry. When we got out of the car, it was 39 degrees with wind gusts of 20+. To get the blood pumping, I issued the disclaimer & then we mosey’d …