
Four play Fore

There were no holes-in-one, but this is two backblasts-in-one… FIRST: Typical turnout at Wolfpack Mountain with a sub-krewe of ruckers showing up for their training. Those compact packs easily outweigh a fully stocked golf bag. Serious respect. Quick warm-up with SSH, mountain climbers, grass grabbers, and then mosey to WPM. …


The rule of thumb is “Plan for the expected. Prepare for the unexpected!” Seems the unexpected has besieged us more than our traditional morning strolls in the park. Today was one more of those days. Q was unconfirmed and a no show, so YHS, picked up the shovel and dug …

With a little help from my friends

Mosey to the bandstand:Warm up. IC20x SSH’s20x windmills20x hillbillies20x mountain climbers The thang: Mosey to the light poles BLIMPSBurpeesLungesImperial walkersMerkinsPlank jacksSquatsInitially did 3x rinse and repeat with a little resistance from the group and added another round on for good measure I Love You Man helped with some FreddieMercs while …

Holy Grove….on three!!

Wolfpack Mountan…First Wolfpack Q in a while. YHC intended to make it memorable with the goal of 5 “mountains” (in NOLA-below-sea-level parlance). If the mountain will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain. WARMUP Standard disclaimer this morning plus a reminder to sweep the six for this running workout. The Pax then moseyed onto …


5:25 and there was some light rumbling in the distance and a few drops of rain, but not enough to audible or change the plan of attack… at 5:30 a half-assed disclaimer was given and 13 of us were off, picking up a few stragglers and a loose pit bull …

The Summer Packet of Backblasts

Much like my kids summer work for school some things are just hard to get done and 1/2-assed when they do get done. Apologies to school teachers and thorough backblast authors. Warm-up: Not really sure anymore. Combination of jacks and maybe grass grabbers. Warm up 2.0: Jog-sprint combo through the …