Thumb War
Thumb War

Watch your head

Four PAX decided to participate in the second week of the Iron PAX 2019 Challenge on a hot and humid Monday morning. After the disclaimer, we took on the challenge. “Meatloaf’s massacre” 4 rounds for time (Elapsed Time Scoring) Round 1: *10 Manmakers *20 Overhead Presses *30 Kettlebell Swings *40 Goblet …

The Killer Burpees

We had a nice breeze Monday morning when we arrived at the UNO Human Performance Center for the newly dubbed Chamber of Horrors. The instructions were simple – do the Iron Pax week 1 challenge, consisting of an aggregate 150 yards of broad jumping, 150 yards of bear crawling, 150 …

Preseason at Da Chamber

12 PAX were greeted with the perfect mix warm, muggy, and damp conditions at the new UNO site on Monday. Ideal setting to sweat out the celebratory weekend beers from a kinda-stellar Saints preseason victory on Sat followed by our little league dudes lighting it up in Williamsport on Sunday. …

Maiden Voyage

Eager to mark our territory with a trail of sweat, 14 PAX, aka privateers, gathered this Monday for a maiden voyage in the uncharted waters of northern 70122, and area deep with nautical history.  This would be a test run to check out the area and also see what interests there …