The Skinny
The Skinny

16 tons – and whadya get?

The PAX turnout was small for the Skinny. Standard disclaimer and we moseyed on the track toward the southeast end of the park. Exit toward Magazine and the Zoo entrance and circle up for warm up. In 1919 there were a number of significant labor strikes across the country including …

Skinny – Da Block is HOT!!!

Pre-Thang After the Week 2 – Iron 34Pax Challenge less than one week ago at the Birdcage, YHC was supposed to hide those cinder blocks with the help of the PAX.  However, Hawgcycle decided to use them for the same challenge at the Uptowner on Friday.  Therefore, the PAX loaded …

Give me a ‘B’

I seem to get stuck on repeating the same exercises between Q’s so in preparation for Monday’s Skinny I figured I’d consult the F3 website for some new ideas.  There are plenty. I didn’t have to go past the ‘B’s until I found a couple and after hearing of the …

Suicide Squad

19 PAX woke up to this beautiful morning for a July beat down at the Skinny.  Started with our standard disclaimer, we went straight to the warm up.  All in cadence count – 25 SSH, 15 Forward Arm Circles, 15 Imperial Walkers, 15 Backward Arm Circles, and 15 Hill Billies. We …

Remember Little BigHorn

Just like Armstrong Custer yhs took charge of the Q from 86 without a clue as to what to do. So we made it up as we went with disastrous consequences. Headed out for real quick mosey to the bandstand where did 21 SSH followed by 10 Burpees Deconstructed (10 …