The Skinny
The Skinny

This is not 40

With most of PAX absent on Saturday, we started the workout with the burpee countdown (thanks to OBT): 10, 9, 8, 7 then a layup of sorts with only 5 more for a total of 39. 39 was the theme of day with YHC hitting the big 4-0 this week. Moseyed …

Hello Lamppost

Seven men arrived in the gloom, ready for a Monday beatdown at the Skinny.  YHC decided to skip the usual loop around the park to spend some quality time under the lampposts.  But first, let’s head over to the bandstand for warmup: SSH x25, Hillbillies x25, LSS x25, MC x25 …

Long Way Home

Seven men set to tackle the park on a chilly Monday morning. Might be the last time we see sub 50 degree weather for awhile…after a quick disclaimer, we’re off. Bandstand: SSHx20, IW x20, LBC x20 & Mountain Climbers x20 To Light Poles (pole to pole): Merkin Walk going left , Lunge …

Pontiff goes down

I love the smell of sweat in the morning.  It smells like victory.  At least victory over those Metairites.    Not many fartsackers today and 4 FNG’s gave us a PAX of 15 as the time change reinstated full gloom.  (Instantly had to redesign some of the exercises – was …

Stop Looking at the Internet

Howling Monkeys, Moss Monsters, a Neanderthal gait discussion, 90’s Hip Hop references…what more could you want on a Monday morning? How about a whole bunch of random exercises YHC found on the internet? You got it…let’s mosey: Mosey to the bandstand for a COP: SSH x25, Side Lunge Knee-Ups Right …