Two is better than one – from Hokie
0530 and the illusion of 4 hard commits did not come to fruition. Thanks @Kenna Bra for joining me for some stretching, burpees, variety of merkins, lunges, step ups and big Boi sit ups 0
0530 and the illusion of 4 hard commits did not come to fruition. Thanks @Kenna Bra for joining me for some stretching, burpees, variety of merkins, lunges, step ups and big Boi sit ups 0
7 Pax arrived on a dark Friday AM, ready to accelerate. I spontaneously volunteered to Q first half soooo Warmup – All of the arm related warmups 25 Airsqauts spontaneous variant I called SasQuat’ch. Lunge position, but going straight down like bulgarian split squat but rear toe on the ground. …
YHC rolled up prepared for bootcamp or ruck depending on the pax and found only Kenna Brah milling about for his planned ruck—sans ruck. Bootcamp it is: kick off Bolt 3M promise with the usual warmup followed by a quick mosey to the “squish” pad for the Thang. Even though …
YHC grabbed the Q late with the expectation that the FNG I’ve been EH’ing would show after the previous night’s text invite. The gloom came and as there was no text reply, I remained hopeful any pair of headlights might b him…alas Boo Boo, Frac, and Rev joined me as …
YHC was challenged with this week before even getting to the AO. First, Fast Tax says he isn’t going to be doing IPC at Rock City, so YHC signs up to Q at the Scrum. Then the Thang gets posted and it’s all for the Skinny Runners (God Bless ‘Em) …
Squats/Yang: hold bottom of squat for 3 count and push ground away, squeeze glutes at top for each rep Merkins/Yang: hold mission impossible for 3 count and extend arms with plank jack at top for each rep Reverse lunges R/Yang: hold left leg at 90 degrees/R leg full reverse lunge …
Frac: 517 PVC: 400 Bolt:420 Kenna Brah: almost hit Kotter status, glad ur back in the gloom Belle Ringer Format: AMRAP for 45 minutes Set-Up: Make a 5-point star with each point of the star being 25 yards away from the center. Workout starts with: 1. 5 ManMakers in the …
Warm o rama grass grabber, abe vigoda, flutter kicks, peter parker, parker peter The Thang Light pole to light pole 5 merkins add 10 BBS, add 15 SSH, add 20 squats back to beginning The pad Tabata style runner being timer to can and 3 burpees station: 1 wife pleaser …
Warmorama Rappers Delight edition (War Eagle never saw it coming! +1
Warmorama Rappers Delight edition (War Eagle never saw it coming! 0