City Hall Scramble – from Waterpik
Temp 50 degrees. Perfect conditions. Nice combination of Ruckers and Runners. Ruckers Russo JV Akbar Bushwacker Runners The Hammer Zoolander Speedy Gonzalez Waterpik Have a great day, men! +3
Temp 50 degrees. Perfect conditions. Nice combination of Ruckers and Runners. Ruckers Russo JV Akbar Bushwacker Runners The Hammer Zoolander Speedy Gonzalez Waterpik Have a great day, men! +3
With weather in the low 60s and rain on the horizon, seven packs sit out for a 5K this morning. 3 Ruckers shooter Russo, Jose 10k 4 runners : YHC Zoolander bird speedy Gonzalez +4
With an EH for Ruckers put out there by Akbar YHC quickly checked the Q sheet to make sure someone had picked up the lead.. On my end it was blank but then in a later Slack message YHC had saw where Akbar stated he was covering it.. So as …
Arrived on this cool clear morning at the Scramble to just one PAX.. The ole reliable, never late Waterpik loosening up.. With no Ruckers around YHC knew he would be thrust back into the the official Scramble of running.. So we completed a brief warmup of 15IC SSH, Toe Touches, …
As I turned into the parking lot at the AO, YHC almost had to pause as the sight of an F150 idling with its lights on sat. It was almost like seeing some atmospheric event in my lifetime as there is no way this could be Cowbell.. But to my …
6 PAX decided to post the Gloom at The Scramble for the return of routine.. No JV we will not meet at Messina and Monroe this time but may very well in the future, so resist killing the leg workouts at the gym till after Thursday’s.. YHC decided to instruct …
5 PAX embraced the chill of a 2nd morning in the low 50s, however the hot air coming from the chatter quickly had to be put in pause, so YHC could get things started… This morning would consist of two groups. Cowbell and Waterpik ad the runners and JV, Russo …
With humidity and an occasional drizzle 7 PAX converged on the Scramble for a mixup of sorts.. Warmup consist of 12IC SSH, Toe Touches, Imperial walkers, Grass grabbers, Hillbillies and Windmills… Broke into 3 groups Ruckers, Runners and Joggers… Plan was to time out Russo and JV for 10 mins …
YHC loves the seasonal change to fall, there is much reward when you open the door and your not slammed by the heavy humidity that south LA can bring.. It certainly puts a pep in one’s step especially when there is running involved… Must give a BIG T👏🏼 to JV …
With a nice cool front in store, 7 PAX decided to take the Red pill this Gloom and get better in the category of Fitness.. Q had a mixture of levels containing ruckers, runners and joggers to satisfy.. So after a brief warmup of 10IC SSH, Imperial walkers, Windmills, Toe …