The Scramble
The Scramble

Scramblin to backblast

Its better late than never!  That’s my feeling about being so late for this backblast.  I apologize if any of you were waiting for it’s appearance with baited breath! warmarama: SSH x 20 GM x 20 HK x 20 BK x 20 all IC 3.2 mile run.   Mumble chatter …

Challenge Accepted

Having an entire month with no ISI challenge seemed to be a challenge in and of itself for the Northshore PAX.  These guys don’t want a month off.  So when Hawg finally issued the February ‘Run Ranger Run’ challenge, the PAX was tripping over itself to register and get started. …

3 Musketeers at the Scramble

It was cold in the gloom this morning at the Scramble.  After some mumble chatter, we got right to it.   Warmup (all IC):  10 SSHs, butt kicks, high knees, Wind Mills, plank-jacks, shoulder taps. Pre thang:  3 minutes of pull-ups, freak nasties, shoulder shrugs, in rotation Thang:  3.2mi run. …