The Scramble
The Scramble

Crawl Daddies Converge

Not really sure wether this backblast will make it to GroupMe or not. This Gloom would see half of team Crawl Daddies post at the Scramble to log some miles for RunCajunRun.. warmup brief IC 10 Grass grabbers, Windmills, Good mornings, leg swings forward/backwards and leg swings left/right (tribute to …

Audible at the Scramble

YHC decided to change up the routine slightly at the Scramble in the Gloom. Each Pax had to complete 50 merkins, burpees, and squats during the course of the 5K. It was good to see Mathlete make a surprise appearance, even though he said he wont be coming back when …

Cool Runnings

With a majority of the PAX still reeling from Week 3 of the IPC, YHC knew the turnout would be relatively light for today’s Scramble. With a light breeze making for some “relatively cool temperatures”, the minor break from the heat and humidity gave the PAX a September reprieve. The …

Windows Up / Heat On

5 strong at the Scramble this morning as Hurricane Laura pummeled Lake Charles and many of the Thursday regulars prepared for their Gulf Coast CSAUP. QIC checked the regular route prior to arriving at the double shovel flag. No barricades or pier closures in sight, so after a quick warmup …


Over the past 6 months since since the quarantine, there have been many different routes / variations / themes (speedy’s sprints come to mind) taken for the weekly F3 5K. Today, YHC decided to take the 5k Scramble back to it’s roots, which is around the loop, then all the …

What in the world!!

Q arrived to the sights/sounds of Wacker chatter with Steve and Waterpik. This was unexpected as the previous day the Wacker had stated the likeliness of a post was not in his favor. Considering he is embarking on a 50k solo journey to Alabama this weekend, where he will most …