The Scramble
New year same Scramble! – from Shooter
The first Scramble in 2022 produced familiar faces on a beautiful non humid gloom. YHC arrived to the sites of Hammer completing some pre stretches. After some brief chatter Zoolander came rolling in followed by Waterpik with his usual prethang miler or so before and after the Scramble.. Brief warmup …
No Shoe Left Untied…No Cowbell Either? – from Bushwacker
It was great to be back out at the Scramble, especially on a crisp clear morning with Christmas carols in the air! As we began the warm up, a bright pair of head lights made the corner and what to our wondering eyes did appear but Zoolander arriving to spread …
Clearing at the Park… – from Shooter
YHC arrived to a clear park with all the debris cleaned up at the AO including our previous weeks coupons removed… Zoolander seemed to be the only man posting on this Gloom but then he shared that Bird had EHed him, so at that point I knew we would have …
Day of remembrance – from Shooter
6 PAX converge on this Veterans Day to get some before the daylight breaks the horizon.. Brief warmup all to 11 SSH, Toe Touches, Butt kicks, Windmills, Squats and Merkins.. Different route through Mandeville stopping along the way for reps of 11 Merkins, Squats, Crunchy frogs, Burpees.. Returned back to …
Double dipper! – from Shooter
4 PAX showed up at the Scramble for a humid Gloom. T👏🏼 to Hogsbreath for journeying over from Slidell not once but twice on this day.. He and the M Barcelona were due back in Mandeville for 6:15 tonight for the FIA mixer.. Hogsbreath brought along a buddy of bricks, …
Extra Extra!! – from Shooter
Feeling some swole from the previous days beatdown the Scramble provided less in some categories but Extra in others.. 5 PAX ran through the streets of Mandeville taking a different path down West Beach to Lakeshore drive and up a fellow F2 brethren who didn’t make it out the sack …
Obstacles aboard – from Shooter
3 PAX posted at the Scramble to run through the streets of Mandeville. After a warmup of Toe touches, Torso twists, Windmills, Imperial walkers, Arm circles, Leg swings in and out and front and back all 10IC. Leaving out the park would throw the first obstacle with our gazebo covered …
Some of this and some of that! – from Shooter
6 PAX decided to join YHC this Gloom at the Scramble. Still keeping with the primary goal of running on our Thursday route I decided to mix in 5 stops along the way with some varying exercises at each stop. Having the return of Sir Bushwacker promised to fill the …
Firsts – from Waterpik
YHC and bypass logged about 3 miles in the gloom. It was the first scramble for bypass. Here’s hoping for many more. +6