The Scramble
Runners, Ruckers and a Tweener!! – from Shooter
With excellent conditions of 55 degree weather 8 HIMs embarked on the Scramble. Some early some on time and of course there is Cowbell right after rolling in hot. One needs to recognize the consistency picking up right where he left off from his F3 break while he shifted to …
Time to put some RCR miles on the board – from Waterpik
Steve, Cowbell, Shooter, and YHC took off down to the lake front and put 4 miles on the board for RCR. 3 Ruckers: Jose10k, Akbar, and Hogs Breath. They claimed to have solved the world’s problems, however, Hogsbreath forgot to write them down. Oh well, perhaps next week. +2
Ruckers Rule!! – from Shooter
With mild conditions 7 Hims took the đź’Š to get out there and put in some work. 5 mins of warmup and then YHC sent the Ruckers out for 20 out and 20 back who ruled the day over the runners. Runners took the East Causeway approach sticking to the …
Well, Well, Well did someone ring Cowbell? – from Shooter
Shifting to a little more weight lifting in the New year. YHC still plans to keep his AO commitments and his down payment of Qing.. My what a surprise he would have on this Scramble with Cowbell rolling up in the man wagon (Suburban) in Cowbell fashion right on the …
Run Cajun Run Mumblechatter, and Teethchatter – from Ballz Deep
Another Thursday, another 5k. The saddle is starting to feel familiar again after the holiday hiatus. The usual suspects arrived at 5:15. Although we miss #The Hammer as he prepares for the Louisiana Marathon. He will return soon! Jose 10k, Steve, Shooter, and I rounded out the group on this …
I have the Q, you have the Q? – from Jose10k
5 HIMs showed up this chilly morning to put some miles in. No one was on the Q sheet, so YHC picked it up. Apparently the site Q and Waterpik had some correspondence prior to. Oh well, I led the warm up, the Shooter took the runners on the usual …
Sure, I will Ruck with you! – from Shooter
The normals were missing, but that didn’t stop Jose10k and Speedy from traveling south. During warmups Sir Wacker decided to roll in looking like he was about to T-bone speedy’s Miata exiting like it was -40 shedding clothes as he joined the PAX. Jose10k and YHC rucked while Bushwacker and …
Omaha, Omaha, Omaha – from Jose10k
The cool front came in and 4 HIMs took the red pill this morning. Steve had to drop out, so YHC took the Q. Which included some warm-ups, then we took off and ran the usual loop. The other 3 took one more lap around the subdivision, and I went …
Give the man the credit! – from Shooter
This BB is being written to make sure the man gets his due. You know what I am talking about when I say the commitment of Jose10k is undeniable and he will not only post but Q and he deserves nothing but respect.. It’s a run AO so you know …