The Hammer
The Hammer

No Animal Left Behind

We began with a brief warmup: Side Straddle Hops x 15/Windmills x10/High Knees x15/Butt Kicks x15/Imperial Walkers x 15 in cadence.  We then finished with 5 Burpees on your own.  QIC then had us mosey to begin our commemoration of the biblical account of Noah’s Ark.  We paired up, and …

Mr. Anderson’s On the Clock

With a high of 59, 20% chance of rain and breezy, the forecast promised an invigorating and intense Saturday beat down. But instead, morning rain, still, humid air and Jose 10K helped deliver and invigorating and intense Saturday beat down! PRE THANG The usual pre-thang suspects gathered at the usual …

Metric tonne of burpees

CONDITIONS 7:15 a.m. sunrise DISCLAIMER Q confessed that he was not a professional THE WARM UP All exercises done IC, or in cadence-ish. YHC’s counts were so far off, it was a miracle the assembled PAX didn’t disband then and there. Seal jacks X15 Toe touches X10 Abe Vigodas X10 …

HardCORE in the Foggy Dew

RunRangerRun is 50% complete, and according to northshore team 1 captain, Steve, we are in 7th place for runners nation-wide! The maverick machine, Amnesia, has taken sole ownership of team 2, and chugging along! With all of that in mind, YHC pulled in this gloom just in time to jump …


CONDITIONS Q neglected to get the weather data, but as usual the AO was extremely dark at 05:15. Tclaps to the pax for using quality, reflective gear to improve their visibility during the scramble. Stay safe F3 bros. We want you healthy and posting. DISCLAIMER Q neglected to give a …

Dodging balls

The pax met up last Saturday on the lakefront and quickly moseyed to Lamarque st playground. (Almost to quickly as the sun wasn’t quite all the way up yet…so a warm up ensued to let the day break a little more). The pax the divided up into two teams to …