The Gipper
The Gipper

Toil before The Tempest

I had a new routine ready for the Pax this morning, but it being wet and humid, and me not wanting to get my Little Lord Fauntleroy outfit smudged, I decided to go with some old stuff. Warmup IC: Side Straddle Hops, Good Mornings, Smurf Jacks, Toe Touches, High Knees, …

Agility at The Gipper

14 strong at The Gipper this morning for some agility and Tabata work after a quick warmup of SSHs, Merkins, IWs, Mountain Climbers and Seal Jacks, 20x IC. A quick mosey brought us to the Justice Center where YHC set down four cones, and the PAX got down to business …

“40 mins of hell”

Returning to the PAX after a 6 days away would prove to be taxing on this YHC. None the less these Gipper men don’t post for light workouts as proven from the month of September and the IPC challenge.. Every Wednesday has provided double digit post for quite sometime now …


What beautiful weather we had this gloom! Mid 50’s with a nice cool breeze. Seems Bean was the only one prepared, adding long sleeves and high socks to his standard outfit. On the agenda was 28’s, a variation of the 21’s biceps exercise made popular by Arnold Schwarzenegger in the …

IPC Week 3/Gipper

11 Pax arrived on a cloudy and not so windy morning for week 3 of the IronPax Challenge. We met at the courthouse to get started in the interest of time. YHC chose to forgo the pain until Saturday, and proctered the event. Warm up: Instructions and focus on form …

Welcome to F3 “Fletch”!

YHC intended on posting the pre-miler however the DOTD had other intentions. Steve and Bushwacker should understand if there are any questions.. Upon arrival Jose10k with his ridiculous count on consecutive post could be seen pacing the trailhead looking for an area to complete his ISI for the day, however …

Duck Hunting 101

YHC has always joked that he does F3 to he can be in shape for duck season, among MANY other reasons. Duck hunting on public land in the Mississippi Delta is a very physically demanding hobby and for some strange reason I absolutely love it. Waking up at 2am to …

Burpee Crowd Pleaser

Ok ok, last week got away from me. But, here is the backblast nonetheless. 11 men met out on a beautiful morning in at the Gipper. COP #1: Warm up (All IC X 20) SSH, IW, Hillbillies, Arm Circles (x10), Jlo’s, Grass Grabbers, Toe Touches. Mosey to the Justice center …