The Gipper
The Gipper

Write a Backblast – from Einstein

A humid 72 degrees for the gathered PAX, this Wednesday morning, at The Gipper. Warmup: Toe Touch, SSHops, Good Mornings, Neck Rolls, Arm Circles, Shoulder Slingbacks, Imperial Walkers, Ankle Rolls, Hillbillies, High Kneees, Butt Kicks, Scissors, Thumb Drives, Swimmers, Hi-Jack-Hi-Jills, Smurf Jacks, Ice Skater Hops etc. mosey to the coupon …

Ballgames – from TurboTax

After a quick warmup of imperial walkers, toe touches, mountain climbers, windmills, SSHs, and seal jacks, the PAX headed over to the Justice Center for some ballgames. Operating in a cone demarcated field, the PAX played a passing game with a tennis ball. Various permutations with various penalties for fumbles …