The Foundry
The Foundry

City Park Fitness/Frigid Test #1

Ten veteran F3’ers braved the frigid (for NOLA) 39 degree temps to measure themselves versus the fitness standards of our nation’s greatest warriors.  Believe it or not JV posted in a parka, snow pants, and snow shoes (practically, at least relative to his normal attire) and at least our friendly …

Run DMC in the House

Eleven men gathered in City Park on this pleasantly cool morning to get another F3 fix.  After the disclaimer, off we went to the Great Lawn for a warmup COP: SSH IC x25, Windmills IC x25, IPW IC x25, Plank Jacks IC x25, and 10 Burpees for lagniappe. Short mosey …

A Breakfast Earned

Thirteen men stepped off looking to improve themselves on the way to earning a big breakfast. After the Disclaimer we moseyed to the front of the museum for a COP: -SSH x 30 IC -IPW x 30 IC -J-Lo’s (fka Pickle Pounders) x 30 IC -Arm Circles x 30 IC …

Heed the Athenian Beatdown

Seven tried, true, and trusted warriors of our fine city banded together on this cool fall morning to prove that the “Spartans” had nothing on toughness or fitness.  They were joined in short order by a warrior from a foreign land (South Carolina) who quickly proved himself worthy of the …

To Hades and Back

Our brother, Reveille, was scheduled to take the Q, but a family situation took precedent. I took the Q and hope I presented a Rev-style beatdown. We had 10 men show up, to include FNG-Kid Rock, willing and eager to get started. DISCLAIMER and mosey to the lawn in front …

Foundry Redux

Nine men showed up on this lovely morning with the temps around 70 and a true gloom cloud bank blocking out the sunrise. DISCLAIMER and mosey to the lawn in front of the museum. COP IC: -30 SSH -30 Imperial Walkers -25 Peter Parkers -20 Arm Circles (10 each dir) …

AWESOME Burpees!

In honor of Mr. Awesome and in preparation for our upcoming Spartan, it was burpee time. Nine men gathered at the flag, and after the disclaimer, headed for a short run to the Great Lawn. Let’s start with 15 burpees OYO. Reluctant Yankee rolled in hot as we began to …

Mano y Mano y Cindy

Six PAX started off with false hopes of cloudy skies with one little piggy running wee-wee-wee to catch up!  “Poisoned” Orleans Parish water complicated our attempts to avoid heat stroke. The Thang: Mosey to Great Lawn Side Straddle Hops x 25 Bird Dogs 15 sec each leg, rinse and repeat …