The Foundry
The Foundry

Humping Blocks on Hump Day

For those who read this title and thought of something x-rated, get your mind out of the gutter.  For the rest of those who enjoy G-rated backblasts, here’s what happened: Seven F3 gurus posted at City Park this am for the usual Wednesday fix.  Typical mumble chatter as the PAX …

Beachy Murph

Six F3 veterans surfaced for the 1st portion of an F3 2-a-day in City Park, a light showing but understandable considering the fierce competition expected this evening.  Thinking it was a little late to improve “The World’s” long distance running for the CSUP this evening, YHC set his eyes on …

Steel City Sweat Fest

Eight Wednesday regulars posted in the steamy City Park gloom this am. After the disclaimer, we were off in mosey down Roosevelt Mall. Circle up on the neutral ground for a warmup COP: SSH x30 IC Windmill x20 IC IPW x20 IC Arm Circles X20 IC Low Counrty Crab x20 …

Get Inverted or Go Home

A fantastic five F3 veterans surfaced through the hot and humid gloom.  Although they are not superheros, they showed superhuman discipline and determination to show-up on this morning. Disclaimer and YHC had planned on at least a PAX of 12 so adjusted on the fly. Mosey to nicely trimmed patch …

Feel the Bern

8 men met in the Mid-City Gloom this morning.  Missing a few of the neighborhood regulars, but glad to see Shorty back from his Anniversary Vacation.  We can’t live everyday in paradise.  Growth happens in humidity and suck. The Thang Given the warm-ups Q’d by JV and Tool earlier in the week, …

The Classic Triangle Builder

Five determined (and thankfully patient) veteran warriors gathered with one FNG to wade through the crowds of runners, spectators, and “runners” of the Crescent City Classic (Shorty, Cow Bell, Roots, Bad Moon, and others? – you easily could have joined us and still run the 6 miles). We established home base …

60 Minutes of Joy in City Park

Eleven hardcore veterans of F3 subjected themselves to 60 minutes of painful joy in City Park even with the realization that it may cause days of soreness.  YHC’s bad reputation may no longer hold the power it once did so he endeavored to reestablish the fear with….. The Thang: Mosey …