The Foundry
The Foundry

Hitting the Wall

We started out 6 strong – 3 ruckers and 3 non-ruckers.  Welcome back to kotter Rebel-ette.  As we moseyed to the Foundry passing the ruck on the minute, we were joined by a Carolina Conferencer, Thriller.  As we approached the Foundry the gloom gave way to a Trumpian like wall …

Ruck the Foundry

We stepped off with seven and finished with eight. Wait! Who is this we see but Out For Justice. After convincing us he knew it wasn’t Saturday, we stepped off. DISCLAIMER and let’s mosey. Pax with rucks head straight to Foundry, those without run to Carrolton and then the Lil …

Get the RUCK outta here!

Eight of F3 NOLA’s finest gurus posted in City Park Wed am for a humpday fix.  Several of the recent workouts have honed in on GORUCK training so YHC felt obliged to do the same and accommodate the die-hards that signed up for the November GR event.  Ironically, the suggested …

We still honor winners

Seven vets sprung from the gloom in City Park for another epic Foundry Workout.  No fancy themes or exciting gimmicks just some special honor planned for the Foundry winners.  While the world honors participants, we reserve respect and honor for the winners, but YHC will get back to that. The …

Better Sore Than Sorry

“Sweat is just fat crying”  -DaParish Five brave souls converged on the northwest corner of Pontiff this am for another no-run workout with hopes of seeing plenty “tears of fat” aka sweat.  YHC’s mission today was to try a few new things while digging deep to push the PAX through …

Foundry x 4 Rounds

I haven’t seen any S/F’s in a while. We need an inventory of who/where the S/F’s are? Sound Off! The Q, YHC, ran up to the Virtual S/F (VSF) just in time to make the DISCLAIMER and six of us stepped off. In the ball field, cuz of the cut …