The Foundry
The Foundry

Foggy Roads Ahead

“A journey of 1,000 miles begins with the decision to start the first mile.” – Confucius Eight men set off to some unknown, foggy beatdown that YHC cooked up… yes, even me… i didnt even know what I was going to do!?!  Unlike Kim-Chi who said he has been planning his Okwata …

Two Cubed

With FracSac looking to get his pretty face on TV on Baton Rouge this morning, YHC volunteered to be a sub Q.  YHC is usually a Birdcager on Wednesday; this was only his second or third post at the Foundry.  He’s trying to promote international amity and solicitude amongst the …

Deja Vu All Over Again

Didn’t we just do this yesterday?  Damp, muggy morning in City Park?  Rudy Q?  Yes, this all seemed remarkably familiar.  Headlights rolling out of the fog, lining up in front of the SF (yes a real one).  This time, Da Parish was here on time. Disclaimer, then off to the …

Mission Ispossible

Five men gathered around the VSF this gloom.  The goal for this beatdown was to break up the Pax into smaller groups, then send them out on missions to complete.  Since we had 5, we stayed together as one group for our missions. DISCLAIMER The Thang Mosey over to the …

Timer Hate

Seven men gathered around the VSF, cuz Shorty didn’t show…again. DISCLAIMER and let’s mosey. Welcome Mr. Awesome, glad you could join us. In a field on the way to the Baby Foundry we circled up for a Warmup COP…: -SSH x 30 IC -IW x 30 IC -PP x 20 …

Pimps and Zombies

Five of F3’s finest posted for the usual Wednesday sweatfest in City Park.  Apparently many of the ruckers are still recovering…or just being lazy…or doing Zumba…or???  After the disclaimer and the usual Shorty fartsacking ridicule, our modest PAX moseyed down Roosevelt Mall and peeled off in the field for: SSH …

Working at the Refinery

Five men decided to post this gloom for some Refinery work.  Here is what we did, but first DISCLAIMER The Thang Mosey to the track and split into two groups. Group 1 (3 Pax) – 400 meter run Group 2 (2 Pax) – AMRAP Squats Flap jack, then circle up. …

Foundry Timer

YHC walked up to the Virtual SF, and was shocked and surprised for it was a huge Welcome Back Kotter for Griswold. Good to see you brother. After the Disclaimer, six men stepped off ready to grow… We headed to the “Baby Foundry” (BF) and had a quick warm-up: -SSH …