Lundi Gras Menage a Trois
Just the three of us. For a cold winter-y workout. I dove out of the car at 5:31. Douille has been on my case to move that alarm clock up to 515 instead of 517. 3 weeks in a row – getting to the AO 1 min late. This time …
Just the three of us. For a cold winter-y workout. I dove out of the car at 5:31. Douille has been on my case to move that alarm clock up to 515 instead of 517. 3 weeks in a row – getting to the AO 1 min late. This time …
Pre-Thang The fog was so bad this morning you could barely see where your feet were landing with each step. This was a super gloom kind of a morning right out of a horror film. After a weekend of parades and over indulging, YHC set out feeling a bit hazy …
Five men gathered around the flag in pleasantly mild conditions in the gloom. After the disclaimer (provided without irony this time), the PAX headed to the bandstand for a warm-up COP: SSH x25 IW x25 Low Slow Squats x20 Good Mornings x20 Mountain Climbers x20. Short mosey to lampposts for …
We looked… but they didn’t come. Not even one of them showed up! ….Oh well. #KarmaFartsack Anyway, we had a little bit of rain + a little muggy + lots of puddles = the perfect gloom! Eleven legendary men of NOLA decided to become better men today! As Cowbell says, …
Five men gathered at Audubon Park on a cold Monday morning. That’s apparently one more than Pontiff mustered, so Audubon wins. T-shirts get printed next week. Mosey to the Bandstand for the COP – Imperial walkers x 20, Plank jacks x 20, LBCs x 20, Hillbillies x 20, Arm Circles x …
Pre-Thang Mosey across Magazine Street for a COP. A toe touch stretch for a 10 count to loosen the hams followed by Imperial Walkers x20; Plank Jacks x20, Peter Parkers x20, and Low Slow Squats x 20. Mosey back across Magazine Street to the row of lights for some “interval …
While most of you were fartsacking, a few brave men–let’s call them the Butcher, the Baker and the Candlestick Maker–were ready to set sail amidst a few (as in bucketloads of) rain drops for the last downPAINment of the year. We started off with a mosey to a deadend by …
“It’s easier to go down a hill than up, but the view is best from the top.” – Arnold Bennett The gloom was truly dingy with the rain that we have been getting all week, but Nine merry men and YHC wanted to get a downPAINment in before the holidays. …
Considering we have a CSAUP event this evening, I thought we’d have low numbers this morning. 21 men showed up to get stronger. After a quick Disclaimer, we moseyed to the first COP: SSH x 30 IC IW x 30 IC Arm Circles x 30 IC (15 each direction) J-Lo’s …
Seven men and an obscene number of ducks gathered in Audubon Park. The ducks gathered to eat and poop, the men gathered to exercise. A short mosey to the bandstand. After the customary check for sleeping homeless people came back all clear, the PAX gathered for a warm-up COP. SSH x 20, …