The Birdcage
The Birdcage

Super Gloom

Pre-Thang The fog was so bad this morning you could barely see where your feet were landing with each step.  This was a super gloom kind of a morning right out of a horror film.  After a weekend of parades and over indulging, YHC set out feeling a bit hazy …

The Legend Grows

Five men gathered around the flag in pleasantly mild conditions in the gloom.  After the disclaimer (provided without irony this time), the PAX headed to the bandstand for a warm-up COP: SSH x25 IW x25 Low Slow Squats x20 Good Mornings x20 Mountain Climbers x20. Short mosey to lampposts for …

Woooooo Pig Sooie!!!

We looked… but they didn’t come. Not even one of them showed up! ….Oh well. #KarmaFartsack Anyway, we had a little bit of rain + a little muggy + lots of puddles  = the perfect gloom!  Eleven legendary men of NOLA decided to become better men today!  As Cowbell says, …

At least no one threw up

  Pre-Thang Mosey across Magazine Street for a COP. A toe touch stretch for a 10 count to loosen the hams followed by Imperial Walkers x20; Plank Jacks x20, Peter Parkers x20, and Low Slow Squats x 20. Mosey back across Magazine Street to the row of lights for some “interval …

Three Men in a Tub

While most of you were fartsacking, a few brave men–let’s call them the Butcher, the Baker and the Candlestick Maker–were ready to set sail amidst a few (as in bucketloads of) rain drops for the last downPAINment of the year. We started off with a mosey to a deadend by …

The Hurt!

Considering we have a CSAUP event this evening, I thought we’d have low numbers this morning. 21 men showed up to get stronger. After a quick Disclaimer, we moseyed to the first COP: SSH x 30 IC IW x 30 IC Arm Circles x 30 IC (15 each direction) J-Lo’s …

Double Your Pleasure

Seven men and an obscene number of ducks gathered in Audubon Park. The ducks gathered to eat and poop, the men gathered to exercise. A short mosey to the bandstand. After the customary check for sleeping homeless people came back all clear, the PAX gathered for a warm-up COP. SSH x 20, …