The Birdcage
The Birdcage

Tabata Time

After falling off the wagon for a few weeks YHC wasn’t sure he’d survive his own Q, much less be able to count out loud for 45 minutes.  What better solution than a tabata style workout! We did three rounds of each of the following sets, 45 seconds on, 15 …

More Legs

Pre Thang:  Ten men of NOLA met at the shovel flag this morning. After the disclaimer we were off. There was a short mosey around to the golf club house and over to the oak alley where we stopped for the warmup and picked up number 11. The Thang:  Warmup …

Summer is here!

The air was thick from the celebration of our nations birthday!  Happy Birthday Nation!  BBQ and beer mixed with the dense humidity to say “Purification through sweat awaits!”  Oh yes it was hot and sticky, the kind of sticky a 5 year old gets when they play with BBQ’d ribs …

Forecast: 55 and Wet

QHC came rolling in at exactly 5:30.  I’m not a professional trainer, modify if you need to ‘cuz this is F3, so let’s mosey.  The mumblechatter began early, as we moseyed to the pavilion over the pond for COP1: 10 burpees OYO 9 burpees OYO 20 merkins xIC 8 burpees …

Heavy Shoes, Light Hearts

The rains of the week blessed us with a cool morning and plenty of soggy ground to play with. We started with a comfortable mosey around the clubhouse parking lot that allowed us to gather the straggling PAX who seemingly modified their alarm clocks this AM. Once at a dry …