The Birdcage
The Birdcage

Never Over Macho Grande

Seaman was the Q. He brought us in real low. But he couldn’t handle it. THE GLOOM: Buddy couldn’t handle it. Was Buddy one of your crew? PAX: Right. Buddy was the bombardier. But it was the Q who couldn’t handle it, and he went to pieces. THE GLOOM: Andy went to pieces? PAX …

Coupons?, we don’t need no stinkin’ coupons!

REG: Yeah. All right, Stan. Don’t labour the point. And what have they ever given us in return?! XERXES: The aqueduct? REG: What? XERXES: The aqueduct. REG: Oh. Yeah, yeah. They did give us that. Uh, that’s true. Yeah. COMMANDO #3: And the sanitation. LORETTA: Oh, yeah, the sanitation, Reg. Remember what the city used to be …


The rule of thumb is “Plan for the expected. Prepare for the unexpected!” Seems the unexpected has besieged us more than our traditional morning strolls in the park. Today was one more of those days. Q was unconfirmed and a no show, so YHS, picked up the shovel and dug …

With a little help from my friends

Mosey to the bandstand:Warm up. IC20x SSH’s20x windmills20x hillbillies20x mountain climbers The thang: Mosey to the light poles BLIMPSBurpeesLungesImperial walkersMerkinsPlank jacksSquatsInitially did 3x rinse and repeat with a little resistance from the group and added another round on for good measure I Love You Man helped with some FreddieMercs while …

Slogging with the Best

PAX think that YHC doesn’t like to mosey.  Well, they’re mostly right, because it sux.  Anyway, you gotta keep the PAX on their game.  So JV-style (not too extreme, nothing Mariah- or Bieber-like), today’s wet and soggy Birdcage includes moseying.  I mean it’s wet out there; might as well enjoy …

Cool Front in July???

19 strong PAX showed up on Wednesday morning with a surprise. At 75 degrees with low humidity in the middle of a brutal summer, meteorologists called it a cool front. PAX will take whatever weather Sky Q gives them. Reluctant Yankee showed up late, but he eventually found the PAX …