Tanked Up
Tanked Up

What the Bleep

CONDITIONS Weather.com predicted a 100% chance of rain, but the conditions are always cozy in the “Hall of Justice” parking structure. #ThanksParishTaxPayers DISCLAIMER YHC forgot the disclaimer. I don’t remember any major injuries, so I think it’s a “no harm, no foul” situation. #Don’tSueMyMalpracticeInsuranceHasLapsed THE WARM UP All exercises done …

HardCORE in the Foggy Dew

RunRangerRun is 50% complete, and according to northshore team 1 captain, Steve, we are in 7th place for runners nation-wide! The maverick machine, Amnesia, has taken sole ownership of team 2, and chugging along! With all of that in mind, YHC pulled in this gloom just in time to jump …

The Wheel

YHC didn’t invent it. Tasked by an ailing Einstein for a substitute Q, YHC went to the Hawg playbook and unabashedly copied a recent Red Friday workout, the Loredo. After a warmup of Seal Jacks, Toe Touches, Windmills, Mountain Climbers, Parker Peters, SSHs, Good Mornings, High Knees, Butt Kicks all …

New Venue at The Gipper

With the forecast showing temps in the 20’s, the night before, YHC confirmed with PAX about a Pre-Thang mile run to help those with ISI, but also to make sure we were all thawed out for The Thang. YHC was offered a “Clown Car” ride to The Gipper and graciously …

Dodging balls

The pax met up last Saturday on the lakefront and quickly moseyed to Lamarque st playground. (Almost to quickly as the sun wasn’t quite all the way up yet…so a warm up ensued to let the day break a little more). The pax the divided up into two teams to …

You down with O.P.P.!!!

I know what you late 30, early 40 F3 brethren who use to listen to Naughty by Nature are thinking.. However, let’s keep this PG13 and call it “Other Positive People”, “Old People Power”, “Obvious Pure Perspiration”, or simply makeup your own acronym of sorts and roll with it.. Prethang …

Round Robin at The Gipper

With our designated Q, Maverick, busy with his new 2.0, it was up to the PAX to deliver their own beatdown Wednesday morning at The Gipper. Go time arrived, the assembled veteran PAX disclaimed themselves silently, and then we got down to business. YHC initially took the lead with a …