
Runners, Ruckers with Cowbell ahead of schedule and somewhere in between Bushwacker!!! – from Shooter

Last 2 weeks YHC has decided to strap up with a Ruck sack instead of Mosey at the Scramble.. Although the distance is far less for logging RunCajunRun mileage the mumble chatter is far easier and the change of pace for the Q is welcomed at the present.. Acceleration is …

2sday – from Russo

I had a much different plan for this morning at Granny’s that may or may not have involved a Fibonacci sequence. But as I was prepping my electronic winky, I realized 2day’s date and had 2 erase the whiteboard and start over. Great Pax of 8 HIM 2day 2 celebrate …

2sday – from Russo

I had a much different plan for this morning at Granny’s that may or may not have involved a Fibonacci sequence. But as I was prepping my electronic winky, I realized 2day’s date and had 2 erase the whiteboard and start over. Great Pax of 8 HIM 2day 2 celebrate …

Tunnel Vision – from Russo

Slightly warmer 42 outside this morning. RCR is in full swing, because 2 HIM were logging some miles when YHC arrived. Pax grew to 4 eventually for the simplest beatdown YHC has Q’ed in a while (i.e math was kept to a minimum, no permutations, calculus, finance, gambling, or geometry …

Usual Suspects – from Steve

With Shooter pulling double Q duty this week, YHC felt compelled to take the Scramble. Which was good, because it’s about the only thing that got me out there that morning. Luckily, regulars Shooter and Waterpik don’t need such motivation. And Pelican has officially come out of his summer hibernation …