
Levee Lovin’

We circled up along the Mighty Mississippi. Two minutes after getting ready with our first COP – a barely clothed couple frantically scampered up the levee and ran to their car. Young love. We were perplexed as to why they chose the rocky side of the levee instead of the …

Slogging with the Best

PAX think that YHC doesn’t like to mosey.  Well, they’re mostly right, because it sux.  Anyway, you gotta keep the PAX on their game.  So JV-style (not too extreme, nothing Mariah- or Bieber-like), today’s wet and soggy Birdcage includes moseying.  I mean it’s wet out there; might as well enjoy …

The Summer Packet of Backblasts

Much like my kids summer work for school some things are just hard to get done and 1/2-assed when they do get done. Apologies to school teachers and thorough backblast authors. Warm-up: Not really sure anymore. Combination of jacks and maybe grass grabbers. Warm up 2.0: Jog-sprint combo through the …

Cool Front in July???

19 strong PAX showed up on Wednesday morning with a surprise. At 75 degrees with low humidity in the middle of a brutal summer, meteorologists called it a cool front. PAX will take whatever weather Sky Q gives them. Reluctant Yankee showed up late, but he eventually found the PAX …

Sunday Funday

At 6:28, only YHC was present for Sweaty Bells. YHC was ready to give himself a good beatdown. At 6:30, Squeal made his Sweaty Bells debut. At 6:33, Jingle Vader rolled up. Then at 6:36, Seaman was our final PAX on this Sunday showdown. Needless to say, only Squeal heard …

Better Late Than Never

A little behind the times, apologies. Run and warm up at bandstand Side Straddle hop x 25 Arm Circles x 10 Backwards arm circles x 10 Peter Parker x 20 Parker Peter x 20 Run down alley to Track Jog/Sprint alternating between the running men to Row Bars @Bars: 4 …

Hello Ladies

“You guys make me so happy” – lady in the park “So many men and so little time” – lady at PJs “Go to the monkey bar, that’s where she stops….I’d pay to have her body slam me.” – Angie’s List urban dictionary – hello ladies what u say when …

Rooster wants in

I was about to go to bed on Tuesday night but I decided to check the Q in the AM and man was I disappointed to see that no one had signed up yet. So I took the Q and planned a run free beatdown in prep for the Gnarly …