
A great turnout at WPM

First, apologies for the very late BB.   I generally try to get these done relatively soon after, but the days/weeks quickly came up and here we are…… So, on to the important details…. 34 pax including 1 FNG arrived for a beautiful, fall morning at Wolfpack Mountain.  Warmup consisted of a short …

Gentle prodding

16 guys assembled in the gloom a month back. Yankee reminded me this morning about how backblasts are one of the tenets of F3. Like no burpees on monday. The Warmup Mosey to grass in front of zoo SSHX? Arm circles forward and reverse. On yo’ face for PP, MC, …

Ants on the Mountain????

It’s another crisp, cool Friday morning.  The PAX are ready for the Mountain what to do?  Hmmm…we shall see.  With a disclaimer, let’s mosey! Mosey to under the mountain for warm-up all in cadence: IW’s Self-Love Grass Grabbers (Cement Grabbers) Self-Love Toy Soldiers Open-Gates Count off by 1 and 2 …

Happy Veterans Day 11/11/19

17 other PAX joined YHC on this sunny, clear Veterans Day at 60 degrees for a Skinny beatdown. YHC couldn’t ask for a better day. We moseyed to the band stand with the following warmups in cadence: forward arm circles x 10, backward arm circles x 10 (thank goodness Seaman …

Breakin’ 60

So, YHC stepped outside in the gloomy gloom noting how crisp the morning was.  Would the PAX appreciate the Beatdown ahead of them?  Should YHC dial it back?  Well, as the PAX gathered at the Flag at 5:30 AM, Reluctant Yankee made it clear that the temps had gotten into …

Who Dat!

Many PAX were hurting after celebrating a Saints Victory, and yet 19 men gathered in the gloom for a Monday Morning Beatdown. Warmup: Run around golf loop to bandstand SS Hop x 20 Arm Circles x 10 each Forward and Backwards (with Seaman voice from the Pax) Grass Grabber x …