
610 Stomp with 11 PAX

The mumble chatter started the night before with the PAX anticipating a rainy run on this Tuesday morning.  The weather forecast indicated a nearly 80% chance for rain. Well the weather advisors are sometimes wrong, right? So 11 committed PAX met at the Stomp for 5:30 ready to log some …

The Back Nine

After some last minute scouting, YHC pulled up without a minute to spare. The disclaimer was given, including a word of caution about possible broken ankles, and we moseyed to the Great Lawn for the warm-up Warm-Up This month is Run Ranger Run and every yard counts, so YHC forwent …

Cold, wind & rainy

Did the usual 15 out and 15 back route but finished at the lawn where we did 8 minutes of 1 lap around with 5 burpees and then 1 lap of sprinting the long straightaways and jog across the shorter horizontal runs with another 5 burpees upon completion of lap. …

40 Days ’til Mardi Gras

January 24th, 2019. Only 40 days until March 5th – Mardi Gras! And what better way to celebrate than a traditional Okwata 40?!? Even better, its a blustery sub-forty degree day at the Lakefront (YHC’s car said 37 degrees – but that didn’t account for the gales). Good Times! 8 …

Stomps and Sprints

Thanks to Gabrielle, YHC had a different take on his usual Stomp-and-Sprint workout. So Tuesday am, time was right to give it a test run. I think it has some potential, but needs some help. We will definitely try again soon. 12 PAX gathered in the gloom. Nice to see …

YaMomAnEm’s VQ

Warm Up: 30 side straddle hops, 25 imperial walkers, 20 plankjacks, arm circles (10 forward, 10 backwards) The Thang: Route 66 – there was some debate on whether or not there were 10 or 11 planters on the lakefront. Turns out i miscounted, and there was actually only 10 planters. …

Amnesty’s New Sneaks

Amnesty made a special request for a dry workout. He recently purchased some new sneaks, and hoped to keep them mud free. The request was honored. After all, it’s Amnesty. His new neon green sneakers offered a beacon of light on this gloomy morning. 13 men showed up for the …