
Take Me Out To The Ballgame

YHC was honored to perform my VQ at The Foundry today. Thankfully rain has held off for several days as I was concerned about possibly ruining the grass for the exercises I had planned. I had been bouncing some ideas around in my head and reviewed the entire Exicon to …

Hamilton v Burr

As many New Orleanians might be aware, Hamilton has been playing at The Saenger for a 3 week run. As many F3ians might be aware, Da Parish and Rudy have a thing for musicals. So of course, the Hamilton workout was an obvious combination. And a plot was hatched – …

34 year Old Virgin

Last Thursday at Okwata Rudy being Rudy suggested I sign up to Q.  At first, I said to myself “not going to happen” then over the course of the day I decided to look up the Q sheet just to see when the next Q spot was open- thinking it …

Sticking to the Classics

YHC and Ya Mom n’dem learned Monday morning as they rode in the Lakeview clown car home from Rock City that Abacus would not be able to Q the Stomp today. Instead of throwing it out to the Mumblechatter in search of a Q, an idea was born: why not …

Hokie Pokey does ABC’s

With Run Ranger Run in full effect, and with the split of the Mother Ship Saturday workout into two Pax’s, Hokie Pokey thought it would be good to get some running in between exercises. Warm up started with a run to the railroad tracks and back with folks circling back …

That Was Super

Run Ranger Run crunch time ensured that we had a healthy number of Stompers on Tuesday. In order to maximize our time, we ran the traditional route down the bayou, 22:30 out, then turned around and came back. The only rule was that you must have a negative split. We …