Some Ruck & some ladder – from Hokie
Boo Boo and I tucked down the levee and back 2.28 miles while TSquare, Slinger & Firefox did ladder drills 0
Boo Boo and I tucked down the levee and back 2.28 miles while TSquare, Slinger & Firefox did ladder drills 0
Warmup: Hillbillies SSH GG Parker peters Mountain climbers Arm circles F&B Seal claps MNC’s Moseyed to the large parking lot for a couple routines on about 100 yards of Asphalt. **I treated the Pax to a River themed playlist. Took “Proud Mary” for Gabby to pick up on this. Routine …
On Monday I posted in slack stating no one had signed up to Q and I was willing to do so if no one else wanted it. As I awakened this AM and saw 41° on my weather app, I regretted my Monday Slack post but knew I had to …
Under clear beautiful skies, 4 Pax gathered under the stars at 36° along the levee known as Best Bank Batture and anxiously awaited the young gun Q Master… at 0500 T-Square and Hokie decided Hokie would take the 1st half and T-Square would bring it home. After a brief warm-a-Rama …
The issue with writing a backblast a week after it happens is that you forget almost everything that happens…sigh! Well, King Kong strong armed me into this Q and I am glad I had the opportunity to lead 15 other PAX members for a glorious after Christmas beatdown. DISCLAIMER AND …
Frac, Boo-boo, Slinger, Firefox, ShortBus, SOGO & Douille joined Bogey & me for our birthday party Warm Up 12. ABE VIGODA for December 28 ARM CIRCLES 14 F & 14 B 19 GRASS GRABBERS 68 Shoulder Taps 1 is 1 (for Bogey’s birth year 1968) 53 SSH OYO – 1 …