
The Pacer – from Akbar

Beautiful, crisp morning at the Scramble, where 4 HIM showed up to get better. Warm up: SSH, High Knees, Butt Kicks, Windmills, Scorpion Kicks, Leg Swings. YHC forgot the ruck today, so 4 went out on the regular route with an extra loop in Hermitage. No ruckers, no Pik, no …

Not Quite Sure What We’re Doing, But Your Legs Will Pay the Price – from Bushwacker

YHC saw an empty Q sheet and signed up late in the game. There was every intention of putting something creative and challenging together after finally getting a spare 30 minutes, but alas, the A/C started acting up and stole away the golden hour of beatdown planning. And thus, starting …