
Happy Thanksgiving Eve: You have to bring a side to dinner y’all – from Jose10k

Enjoying my week off of teaching, Qing my 3rd straight beatdown, happy to finally workout at the Gipper. The weather: somewhat cool, foggy, but a calm morning. Warm-up: The usual morning stretches to get everyone ready to workout. The thang: It’s Thanksgiving, and when you arrive to the dinner, you …

Celeste and Lisa’s Donkey Kick-Off on the Escalator – from Russo

Great Saturday at the Lakefront Warmup (10x – 15x IC) Air presses Torso twists Self love Toe touches Grass grabbers Hillbillies High knees Seal jacks Thang: Mosey down Girod to the trailhead and back, stopping along the way for a round of “the escalator”, aka “Chewy’s Soduku. The concept: 10 …