
51 – from Akbar

Another year in the books as YHC turned 51, joined by 8 HIM who woke up early Monday morning – some after Sunday’s Nightmare Before Christmas. The theme was 51 on paper, 5 sets, 5 exercises 10 reps each, with the last exercise being a 10 second hold. Sometimes paper …

UPPER DECK – from Einstein

Short disclaimer… Warmup: all 20xIC: Toe Touch, Side Straddle Hops, Good Mornings, High Knees, Shoulder Shrugs, Imperial Walkers, Swimmers, Butt Kicks Thang: After a reverse lunge walk and sprint mix on our way up the ramps to the upper deck of the Justice Center Parking Garage, The Pax did a …

Tour De Covington – from Einstein

Short disclaimer… Warmup: all 20xIC: Toe Touch, Side Straddle Hops, Good Mornings, Hill Billys, Shoulder Shrugs, Imperial Walkers, Swimmers, Grass Grabbers, Seal Jacks Thang: We did various and sundry (excuse the tautology) exercises, all over town The PAX: Akbar, Barely Legal, BBQ, Bean, Einstein, MobyDick, Shooter, Tanked-Up, The Hammer, Turbo-Dog …